
jeudi 31 octobre 2013


Arrival of Starbucks in France

- 2004 ==> Starbucks opened its 1st shop in Paris (Opera) and the development has continued with 2 others shops in La Défense and Montparnasse.

Adaptation to the french Market
- An offer completely changed according to french habits (example : muffin with goat/spinach made in France, muffins caramel with salted butter)
- Trained salesforce ( french employee are trained to product and welcome services, animations..)
- Meticulous setting and atmosphere
- Basic prices : 1,60 euros for expresso, 1,75 euros for Macchiato , 2,50 for café Latte.
- Starbucks had kept his charity and ecological vocations ==> In france, the brand supported "LES RESTOS DU COEUR"

==> Since its arrival, the brand had opened more than 85 coffee shops (major part in Paris).

Olivier Mendez, France Regional director explains about the criteria to choose a city : 
"le choix d'aller dans une ville dépend avant tout de son dynamisme économique, de la présence d'une population active importante, de jeunes, ainsi que de son potential touristique".


- Thanks to its agreement with the Group AUTOGRILL, Starbucks will continue its development in railway stations and motorways.
- Starbucks made also a partnership with Les Galeries Lafayette with the opening of 2 salons.
- Fail ==> The brand tried the sale of coffee beans at Monoprix.
- Success ==> Starbucks is selling its beverages ( Chocolate Mocha, Frappucino's, Latte)  at the fresh and "snacking" department of french retailers like Monoprix, Leclerc, Auchan, Carrefour...


Now, Starbucks aims to develop in other big regional cities (Lyon, Bordeaux, Marseille, Nice...) in order to double number of shops in france.

Long term goals:
==> Increase the visibility of the brands to the french consumers
==> Increase the brand awareness and focus on the customer experience


- The French culture : People are not used to consume take away, French like hard coffee in small quantity, (expresso)
- At the contrary Starbucks represents the American culture with take-away coffees, with different size of mugs.
- In France, people are used to drink coffee in "bistrots du coin"
- Daily turn over of Starbucks coffee shops are about 1000 euros/day => not profitable shops.
- Initially, take away selling represented 7% of the sales, today : 27%

Article written by Judy Garber

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